Search For "legacy"

The Importance of Helping Stakeholders – Legacy Performance Analysis – L007

Our research has highlighted the importance that the perception of personally benefitting from a charity has on a propensity to leave a legacy. This report...

Communicating Legacy Information – Legacy Performance Analysis – L008

Providing informative and useful legacy marketing communications to your supporters will play a crucial role in whether they leave you a gift in their will....

Which charity needs your legacy the most – Legacy Performance Analysis

We all know how important need is. If your charity is perceived as wealthy or if potential supporters don’t understand why you need their donations...

Understanding the competitive nature of legacy fundraising

At fastmap we have undertaken a lot of legacy fundraising research including: the barriers and motivations to legacy giving, baby boomers, The Legacy Potential Premier League 2018/2019 and the reasons...

legacy rank legacy league
3 Key Insights Revealed By Our Legacy Potential League

Since the release on Monday 19th November our Legacy Potential Premier League Table 2018/19 has caused a big stir in the charity sector. It is...

legacy research presentation at IoF legacy conference
3 key insights on why supporters don’t tell charities when they leave a legacy

Fears of being bombarded with communications prevent over 60% of supporters revealing their plans to leave a legacy On the 8th of October fastmap, Freestyle...

legacy marketing insights for your international fundraising strategy
The legacy marketing opportunity of a lifetime

For many charities legacy marketing can be overlooked. However, just a small increase in legacy giving can open vast revenue streams and this becomes even...

international legacy fundraising strategy
Legacy Fundraising Strategy: International motivations for legacy giving

It is easy to assume that attitudes towards legacy giving are universal, but fastmap research suggests that you should consider international differences to formulate an...

Guide to Maximising Legacy Fundraising Consideration

Legacy fundraising presents a huge opportunity, but is also notoriously difficult to measure. The length of time that an engaged donor can take to leave a...


WEALTH INSIGHTS AND LEGACIES THE “GREAT WEALTH TRANSFER” IS HERE – ARE YOU PREPARED? US Legacy Webinar. What motivates donors to include nonprofits in their...

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