David Cole

improving database marketing
Why you should use market research to improve database marketing

Please! Database and Research you must talk! In the local cafe two people discuss the village’s future. One is a wise old man with a...

How to evaluate marketing through competitor analysis and benchmarking

Peter Drucker, who many consider to be the single most important thought leader in the world of management is quoted as saying; “Being at least...

Direct Mail Marketing recipient with Legitimate Interest under GDPR
Direct Mail Marketing and Legitimate Interest: Be Reasonable!

Too often organisations plan to take an oversimplified approach to direct mail marketing using Legitimate Interest to send post on all topics to everyone on...

Consent: Not just what you say, but how you say it…

Now that people are increasingly seeing consent as a marketing challenge, people accept words and language in your statements matter – both for providing clarity...

creative consent
Opt in Opt out: Don’t misstep in the ‘marketing hokey-cokey’

Opt in opt out. Which should you choose? While GDPR did not lead to the mandatory opt in that many had feared. However, many are...

permissions marketing
Permissions Marketing and GDPR: Wake up and Smell the Consent

Imagine your most financially-important marketing campaign of the year, the success of which affects every other campaign your brand undertakes. Then try and picture the...

3 Key Influencing Pillars of Consent

After years of researching hundreds of consent statements, we now know what factors most influence consent. Major charity, financial, retail and insurance brands have tested...

opt in opt out
Size matters: Opt-in vs. opt-out

Opt in opt out, that is the question. If the size of your database is important, you’ll probably want to cling to the opt out...

channel consent
Giving channel choice

It may come as a given but, overall consent tends to increase, as you offer your customers greater flexibility. A higher level of overall consent...

Language matters

I’m an angry man!   I’ve seen the light, but others have not.  So as a last resort I visited London’s Speaker’s Corner to argue my...

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